Sania Haider, PakistanJun 8, 2018Young Hazara Woman Leads Hunger Strike for JusticeIn Quetta, Pakistan, young Hazara women are exhibiting unprecedented strength and resilience in the face of violent extremism. Jalila...
Dr. Noreen NasserMar 14, 2018Women in Pakhtun Long March: Building Peace and Challenging StereotypesA group of young Mehsud men from FATA started a peaceful march towards the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad on 1st February 2018, which...
Padmini Ghosh, WRN India Country CoordinatorNov 9, 20171325 and Conflict in India: Part 2Part II of the our series on 1325 and Conflict in India. Read Part I here. In North East region of India and Kashmir conflict and...
Palwasha HassanSep 13, 2017Kabul’s Bloody Ramadan and Our Friendly Weekend IftarsA small circle of my friends and I have regular Iftar dinner parties (breaking of the Ramadan fast each night) that gives us a chance to...