Women Regional Network East Africa (WRN-EA)


Women Regional Network East Africa (WRN-EA), was founded in November 2018, as part of a Global Women Movement, striving to build meaningful peace, by advancing gender justice among the marginalized women and girls in the East African region. The initiators of the network are 15 renowned women feminist leaders from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, who have a constituency of individual human rights defenders, women non-governmental organizations and Community Based Organizations. Through the constituency, the network is dedicated to advancing women’s rights to gender justice, peace and human security.
To engage women leadership, particularly those who have been left out of peace and human security discourse (the rural women and girls), to develop approaches, processes and narratives that resonate with the diverse human conflicts and insecurity they face in their community.
Working towards a region where women’s wholeness is the norm.
Galvanizing women’s personal and collective agency and spirituality to heal the region, through feminist leadership.
Women unleashing their personal and collective agency to heal themselves and their communities.
Our Approach
We approach peace and security of women and girls from a feminist perspective, focusing on the most vulnerable women and girls, who experience violence, which is often ignored and unaddressed, as the mainstream peace and security mostly prioritize the armed and violent conflict. This has made us focus on the women’s own definition of peace and security, in order to address women’s personal woundedness and lack of peace; and facilitate their empowerment in undertaking policy and advocacy, through their own voice on peace and security concerns. We believe, this will influence the transformation of violence against women and girls narrative, into a Women and peace narrative.
The Theory of Change:
If we provide women and girls with spaces for healing their bodies, mind, and souls, and mentor them in leadership,
If we equip them with tools of life skills, political and economic consciousness as a path to Peaceful living,
If they utilize the acquired skills, and consistently advocate for responsive interventions for their wellbeing, and that of their communities,
Then they will subsequently make a movement of peace activists to grow, take charge, and consequently contribute to a peaceful region.
​The Founders and Leadership Team behind the Initiative
Ruth Ojiambo Ochieng
Founder & Co-cordinator
Ruth is a passionate advocate for human rights and an accomplished independent consultant specializing in Women, Peace, and Human Security. Her extensive involvement in training and research pertaining to Women, Conflict, and Peacebuilding has led to the development of various training manuals and documentary films, which aim to amplify the voices of survivors and empower women in their pursuit of peace.
Ruth's outstanding contributions to this field have garnered numerous awards and honors, reflecting her steadfast dedication to advancing women's rights and fostering peace. She has also held influential leadership positions in respected organizations and boards internationally, regionally and locally.
In addition to her advocacy and consultancy work, Ruth is a prolific author, with a collection of both published and unpublished papers to her credit. She is currently in the process of authoring a memoir in which she shares the wealth of experiences and insights she has gained throughout her illustrious career.
Dr Joy Mbaabu
Regional Coordinator
Joy is a passionate lawyer and advocate for human rights, social justice and peace. She is a premier mediator, conflict resolver, trainer and healer. Joy has over thirty years of experience, in Kenya, Africa and globally. She is a strong believer in the use of constructive dispute resolution to bring justice, peace, equity and transformation to societies. In addition to her peace building work, she stands out as a prolific author who has made significant contributions to the field. She has authored numerous books that delve into the realms of both interpersonal and intrapersonal peace. Drawing from her extensive and illustrious career in the peace industry, Joy generously shares her wealth of experiences and profound insights with the world through her work. Her dedication to peace and justice has left an indelible mark on societies and individuals, making her an invaluable asset to the world of peacebuilding.
Caroline Bunga Idembe
WRN-Uganda Chapater Chair
Caroline is a dedicated peace practitioner with a diverse and impressive legal background spanning over twenty five years. She currently serves as a Legal, Policy Advocacy, Partnerships & Resource Mobilization specialist. Her passion for peace and her commitment to creating a harmonious society are evident in her role at the Women Regional Network EA where she holds the position of country chair.-Ugandan Chapter. She employs her legal prowess to advance the cause of peace and social justice. Her expertise in partnerships and resource mobilization is instrumental in strengthening the organization's capacity to drive positive change. Her work extends beyond the legal and administrative aspects, as she actively collaborates with various stakeholders to build a network of support for peace initiatives.
Mary Rotich
WRN-Kenya Chapter Chair
Mary is an unwavering educationist and a certified mediator and trainer, boasting extensive experience in education and teacher management, peer mediation, mentorship, and dispute resolution, with a special focus on educational institutions. Her commitment to fostering peace in the education sector has been her life's work, underpinned by an illustrious 35-year career in the public service, including 25 years at senior management levels before retirement.
Beyond her exceptional career, Mary has dedicated her post-retirement life to the noble cause of peacebuilding. Currently, she serves as the Chairperson of the Women Regional Network for Peacebuilders, Kenya chapter (WRNP-K), where her wealth of experience and expertise have proven invaluable. Her qualifications span a wide range of areas, including strategic leadership, change management, risk management, corporate governance, board roles, performance management, regulatory frameworks, peace education, policy formulation and implementation, business process reengineering, and emotional intelligence. These qualifications significantly contribute to the success of both WRNEA and the Kenya Chapter, making Mary a true beacon of peace and wisdom in her field.
​Joy Kiminja
Regional Office Secretariat Lead
Joy is a remarkable individual with a multifaceted career. She has a legal background and a passion for promoting peace and advocating for human rights. Joy currently holds a pivotal role as a lead at the Women Regional Network East Africa secretariat, where she extends her support to the Kenyan, Ugandan and other Chapters being formed and nurtured.. Her tireless commitment to the cause is evident in her work as she champions the rights and well-being of women and girls in the region.
Joy understands the legal intricacies involved in advocating for women's rights and utilizes her legal expertise to navigate and improve the lives of those she serves. Her ability to blend her legal skills with her passion for peace and women's rights makes her a powerful force for good. She possesses a natural talent for program administration and coordination. Her attention to detail and relational skills are essential components of her success as a peace builder. She is a builder and thinker, constantly seeking innovative solutions to address the root causes of conflict and inequality. Joy is a visionary, always looking for ways to make lasting, positive changes in the lives of those affected by conflict and injustice. She works diligently to ensure the success of the programs, initiatives, and projects being implemented by the Women Regional Network East Africa.
We’re seeking people and organisations to join our fundraising effort. Would you consider joining to help us raise money for this year?
Please write to us wrnetwork.ea@gmail.com ​​