Fatema Kohistani, Afghanistan Country CoordinatorFeb 28, 2018Notes from the Field: Community Conversations in Takhar ProvinceCommunity Conversations in Kochcha IDP Camp, Takhar province, Afghanistan. In January 2018, WRN conducted field research in Takhar...
Women's Regional Network and Women andFeb 26, 2018Kabul II Process: Joint Declaration of the Women and Children Legal Research Foundation (WCLRF) and After the creation of Afghanistan's National Unity Government (NUG), ensuring women’s participation in good governance, peacebuilding,...
Women's Regional Network and Women andFeb 26, 2018اعلامیه مشترک نهاد تحقیقاتی زنان اطفال و شبکه منطقه ای زنان در پیوند به پروسه دوم کابل
Fareeha SultanFeb 22, 2018Of Equal Participation and Contribution: An Interview with Akbar KhanRecently, WRN spoke with Akbar Khan, Chairperson of Dehi Ijtimai Tarqyati Social Workers Council (DITSWC) to learn more about his views...
Maryam RahmaniFeb 12, 2018My Silent SpeechOnce when it snowed and now when it is snowing. When it snowed I always wanted to touch and feel its softness - standing in the middle of...