New Intiatives
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
The Board and members of WRN have begun the process to ensure the vision of the network will continue by awarding seed grants to five new entities in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, East Africa and Canada’s Feminist Forum for Afghanistan. Each of these initiatives will continue working collaboratively within and across borders for peace with justice and equality for all. The members of the Women’s Regional Network thank you for your commitment to our shared vision and your support of our research and advocacy anchored firmly in the real world of women’s experiences. It has been my greatest honor to partner with you all to create a world we want our children to live in.

Our Story
WRN sent out an internal call for proposals to distribute some of the WRN funds in 2023.
WRN received proposals from all 4 countries as well as East Africa on various themes such as young feminist networks and leadership training, NAP consultations, journalist training and further Community Conversations. The proposals were reviewed by the Executive Committee which consisted of Members from the WRN countries in South Asia and Global Members.
Know the Intiatives
WRN hopes that these spin-off initiatives will benefit from our support and be able to gain momentum for their own fundraising, becoming sustainable into the future.